James T Watts: Perthshire Moor

Perthshire moor, watercolour, by James Thomas Watts (1853-1930). Signed bottom right corner. James T Watts works are fine examples of woodland and natural landscapes are highly collectable and his watercolours have sold for over £12,000 at auctioneers such as Christie’s. Born in Birmingham, Watts was deeply influenced by the writings of Ruskin and the work…



Perthshire moor, watercolour, by James Thomas Watts (1853-1930). Signed bottom right corner.

James T Watts works are fine examples of woodland and natural landscapes are highly collectable and his watercolours have sold for over £12,000 at auctioneers such as Christie’s.

Born in Birmingham, Watts was deeply influenced by the writings of Ruskin and the work of the Pre-Raphaelites. His fidelity to nature and attempts to revive a sense of realism in landscape painting bear testimony to his adherence to Ruskinian principles. He was fascinated by the play of light and concentrated on depicting wooded landscapes at varying times of the year and times of the day. Watts exhibited in both oils and watercolour, but the latter was his preferred medium. His subject matter is generally concentrated on North Wales, Liverpool and Lancashire.

Between the late 1870s and 1905, he confined himself nearly entirely to woodland scenes like this, becoming an absolute master of them. His style did not vary greatly over the years, making them difficult to date precisely.